Cheese sauce

 Searching for the recipe for cheese sauce at home? The cheese sauce is used in different dishes like pasta, macaronies, roasted potatoes, sandwiches and salads. We used it for dipping chips, snacks and vegetables. Many terms are used instead of cheese sauce, like cheese dip, cheese cream, cheese dressing and cheese melt. It is a very quick and ready-to-eat recipe. For its complete making process, follow the recipe defined below.

Cheese sauce

Ingredients and Material.

These are the main ingredients in making cheese sauce, and add the quantity defined below for a perfect taste.

  • Two tablespoons of fresh butter.

  • Two tablespoons of white flour.

  • One cup of liquid milk.

  • 1½ cups shredded cheese (cheddar or mozzarella)

  • Salt and pepper according to your taste.

Preparation step.

Follow these steps to get a perfect and yummy taste. It is a very quick recipe.

  1. Melt the butter on medium heat.

  2. After melting the butter, add flour to it and mix it well until it begins to bubble.

  3. Then add milk in it slowly slowly and save yourself lumps from formatting.

  4. Continuously carry on the mixing process until it becomes thick.

  5. When it comes to the thick situation, then, add cheddar cheese and mix it until it melts and the tyre mixture comes in a smooth condition.

  6. At last, add salt and pepper according to your choice.

Important notice.

If you find that the sauce is much thicker then add milk in it and mix to bring it in thin condition.

Way of serving.

A better way of serving a meal makes someone happy with your cooking style.

You can serve this sauce with french fries, snacks and with other fast foods also to give them a finger licking taste. Enjoy the recipe and stay connected for more delicious recipes.

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