**Jamaican Callaloo Recipe from Kwame Onwuachi's "My America"**

Kwame Onwuachi, a celebrated chef and 2019 Food & Wine Best New Chef, shares a delightful Jamaican Callaloo recipe in his book "My America." This dish is a hearty and nutritious preparation of protein-rich amaranth leaves cooked until tender, imbued with vibrant spices and flavors. Callaloo, a staple in many Caribbean kitchens, has a storied history and diverse variations across the islands. In Jamaica, the term "callaloo" can refer to both the leafy greens of the amaranth plant and the dish itself, which is made by braising these leaves in a flavorful stock with aromatic vegetables.

**Jamaican Callaloo Recipe from Kwame Onwuachi's "My America"**

Understanding Callaloo

The identity of callaloo has long puzzled Caribbean cooks, as it can vary significantly depending on the region. In Jamaica, callaloo specifically refers to the amaranth plant. However, in other parts of the Caribbean, the term might refer to different leafy greens, such as taro or even spinach. Despite this ambiguity, the essence of callaloo remains consistent: it is a nutrient-rich green, prepared with a blend of spices and aromatics, making it a versatile and beloved dish.

 Substituting Callaloo

If you cannot find fresh callaloo, Onwuachi suggests a practical substitute using a combination of spinach and collard greens. This blend mimics the texture and flavor of callaloo and is readily available in most grocery stores. Here’s what you need:

- 1 medium (8-ounce) bunch of spinach, with thick stems removed, leaves, and tender stems roughly chopped (about 3 1/2 cups packed).

- 1 small (8-ounce) bunch of collard greens, with thick stems removed, leaves, and tender stems roughly chopped (about 3 1/2 cups packed).


To prepare this Jamaican Callaloo, you will need:

- 2 tablespoons canola oil

- 1 medium-size (10-ounce) yellow onion, cut into small cubes (about 1 3/4 cups)

- 1 medium-size (7-ounce) red bell pepper, cut into small cubes (about 1 cup)

- 5 medium garlic cloves, minced (about 5 teaspoons)

- 1 teaspoon Peppa Sauce (see Note)

- 1 pound fresh callaloo, thick stems removed, leaves and tender stems roughly chopped (about 7 packed cups)

- 2 cups vegetable stock

- 2 medium-size (3 1/2-ounce) plum tomatoes, cut into small cubes (about 1 cup)

- 2 teaspoons House Spice (see Note)

- ¾ teaspoon kosher salt


1. **Heat the Oil**: In a large pot, heat the canola oil over medium heat until shimmering. 

2. **Sauté the Vegetables**: Add the cubed yellow onion, red bell pepper, minced garlic, and Peppa Sauce. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are softened and fragrant, about 10 minutes.

3. **Add Callaloo and Stock**: Incorporate the chopped callaloo, vegetable stock, cubed plum tomatoes, and House Spice into the pot. Stir occasionally until the callaloo starts to wilt, which should take about 4 to 5 minutes.

4. **Simmer**: Increase the heat to medium-high to bring the mixture to a simmer. Once simmering, reduce the heat to medium-low, cover the pot, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the callaloo is tender, approximately 50 minutes.

5. **Reduce the Liquid**: Uncover the pot, increase the heat to medium, and bring the mixture to a boil. Continue to boil, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is reduced by about two-thirds, which should take 10 to 15 minutes.

6. **Season and Serve**: Stir in the kosher salt, adjust seasoning to taste, and serve hot.

 Notes on Peppa Sauce and House Spice

**Peppa Sauce**: This is a Caribbean hot sauce made from Scotch bonnet or habanero peppers, providing a distinctive heat and flavor. If you cannot find Peppa Sauce, you can substitute with any hot sauce you prefer, adjusting the amount to your heat tolerance.

- **House Spice**: This is likely a proprietary blend of spices used by Onwuachi, which could include ingredients like thyme, allspice, black pepper, and other seasonings typical of Caribbean cuisine. If unavailable, you can use a mix of these spices to approximate the flavor.

Flavor and Nutritional Benefits

Callaloo is not just delicious but also packed with nutrients. The leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and provide a good source of iron, calcium, and dietary fiber. The dish’s blend of aromatics—onions, garlic, and bell peppers—enhances its health benefits with additional vitamins and antioxidants. 

The Peppa Sauce and House Spice add layers of complexity to the dish, making each bite a burst of savory and spicy notes. This combination ensures that the callaloo is not only nutritious but also incredibly flavorful.

Culinary Versatility

Jamaican Callaloo can be enjoyed in various ways. It can be a side dish accompanying a main course of fish, chicken, or pork. Alternatively, it can be served as a main vegetarian dish with a side of rice, bread, or dumplings. Its hearty texture and robust flavors make it a versatile addition to any meal.

Final Thoughts

Kwame Onwuachi's Jamaican Callaloo recipe from "My America" is a testament to the rich culinary traditions of the Caribbean. This dish, with its tender greens and aromatic spices, encapsulates the essence of Jamaican cuisine—bold, flavorful, and deeply satisfying. Whether you are a seasoned cook or a culinary novice, this recipe offers a straightforward and delicious way to experience the vibrant flavors of Jamaica. So, gather your ingredients, embrace the spirit of Caribbean cooking, and enjoy a taste of the islands with this wonderful callaloo dish.

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